Moving to… Spain
We start this article with the very latest – the Spanish government has officially voted to eliminate it’s Golden Visa at the start of 2025. This is an understandable response to some of the more damaging effects of that program. It does not mean that the country is not open to new residents from the US under other programs.
July is a Great Time to Check on Your Taxes
I’m not thinking this post will make me popular, but honestly, we would be a much happier population next April if we each spent an hour or less reviewing the tax situation now, in July.
Take A Financial Health Day
If you were given a day off work to sit down with all of those financial questions and to-do lists you’ve been putting off, would you take it? This week’s New York Times Money section features a bank that offers its employees a day off to take care of their “financial wellness.”
Your Life is Messing with My Financial Planning Software
Financial planning isn't really about the projections...