Moving to… Italy
Quite a few Americans can track one or more members of their family back to Italy. And there are specific processes for those who can to claim Italian citizenship. But if you haven’t got an Italian nonna, you can still move to Italy relatively easily with the right plan. Here are some visa options for Americans who want to move to Italy:
Moving to… Portugal
No European country has had more interest from would-be American expats over the past few years than Portugal. Its reputation for sun, culture and communal life comes with obvious appeal. But there has been some confusion about its visa and tax options for expats in the wake of changes to some of the country’s laws. Below we give you an overview of where things stand right now.
Moving to…Greece
I am going to bet that with world news being what it is, more than a few of you are dreamy of a peaceful place overlooking turquoise waters, maybe with an olive tree for shade? And at this point, you may even be thinking of one day living in such a place. If you are contemplating a move to Greece, this article is for you.
Comparing the costs of living abroad (hint: it’s about more than just taxes)
Leaving the United States. How to assess the financial costs of living abroad.